Tag: SBOMs
RunSafe Security Extends Platform Reach to Build More Accurate SBOMs
RunSafe Security this week added an ability to generate a software bill of materials (SBOM) based on the code actually included in an application before it is deployed in a production environment ...
Survey Surfaces Software Supply Chain Security Gains
A survey of 106 leaders and practitioners involved in software supply chain security finds more than three-quarters of respondents (76%) work for organizations that have made software supply chain security a significant ...
Survey Surfaces Lots of Software Supply Chain Insecurity
A global survey of 900 application security professionals finds nearly two-thirds work for organizations that have had their software supply chains compromised in the past two years ...
CISA, NSA Issue Supply Chain Security Guidance Report
The NSA, ODNI and CISA have issued guidance to assist software developers and suppliers in shoring up software integrity and security ...
Technical Debt: Don’t Buy Buzzwords
Buying into the 'next big new shiny thing' only increases your technical debt. Don MacVittie advises only buying what's necessary ...
The Role of SBOMs in Software Supply Chain Security
The software supply chain has become increasingly complex and dynamic with the rise of cloud computing, open source software and third-party software components and APIs. Widespread damage can occur if third-party APIs, ...
A DevOps Guide to the Language of DevSecOps
Security is increasingly important for DevOps due to the growing complexity of applications and the accelerated pace of development. As organizations adopt DevOps practices, they face new challenges in securing applications and ...
Lineaje Unfurls Platform for Creating and Managing SBOMs
Lineaje this week unfurled a platform for creating and managing the software bills of materials (SBOMs) that are increasingly mandated by enterprise IT organizations and government agencies. Fresh from raising $7 million ...
Codenotary Extends Dynamic SBOM Reach to Serverless Computing Platforms
Codenotary has extended the reach of its platform for automatically generating software bills of materials (SBOMs) to serverless computing platforms running software constructed using functions. Codenotary CTO Dennis Zimmer said because serverless ...
Rezilion Adds Windows Support to Dynamic SBOM Tool
Rezilion has added support for Windows applications to its tool for dynamically generating software bills of materials (SBOMs). Rezilion CEO Liran Tancman said in addition to existing support for Linux applications, it’s ...
Tanium Uses SBOMs to Automate Vulnerability Remediation
Tanium this week added the ability to detect libraries and software packages with known vulnerabilities within a software bill of materials (SBOM) manifest that can then be used to automate remediation of ...
GitBOM Tool Automatically Identifies Software Artifact Components
An open source GitBOM tool, discussed at the Open Source Summit Europe conference this week, can automatically track every source code file incorporated into each built artifact. Nell Shamrell-Harrington, a principal software ...