Tag: leadership
Navigating Beyond the Apex: Reshaping IT Transformation and Organizational Evolution for Sustainable Growth
This article aims to delve into not only the challenges and successes of DevOps but also the broader considerations essential for sustainable growth in the rapidly changing IT ecosystem ...
The Practicalities of Open Sourcing
If you're contemplating the daring act of open sourcing your projects, here are some things to know before you set out ...
Leading DevOps Transformations With AI
In my recent article Revolutionizing the Nine Pillars of DevOps with AI-Engineered Tools, I explained that AI-engineered tools can help with automating repetitive tasks, improving decision-making with predictive insights and facilitating proactive ...
How to Supercharge Your Engineering Teams
With the economy still bleak, data and engineering teams that were already struggling to keep pace with business needs are now facing a potential hiring freeze or worse in 2023. That’s why ...
Day in the Life of a Chief Developer Experience Officer (CDXO)
Developer experience (DX) has become essential to modern enterprise software development. As more companies become software companies, more are opening up their software both for internal reuse and externalized consumption. As part ...
Break Open the Black Box of Software Development
If you asked an airline executive what their biggest expense was just a few decades ago, they would’ve easily answered, “Jet fuel.” These days, you’d be hard-pressed to find an executive in ...
Why Your Next CIO Will Be a CPO
Here's what the transition to CPO means for everyone in IT Over the last 20 or so years, the evolving role of the CIO, or chief information officer, has been a hot ...
What Makes Digital Transformation a Success?
Despite more than $5 trillion having been spent on digital transformation efforts, survey after survey shows that successful digital transformations are far and few in-between. By many estimates, more than 50% of ...
Leadership Drives Digital Transformation Success
When it comes to near-term survival, organizations know they are fighting for their digital existence. Still, despite 80% of organizations moving forward with their digital transformation efforts, very few have experienced the ...
Successful DevOps Initiatives Start With Company Culture
What initially drove the need for embarking on the DevOps journey in your team or at your company in the first place? Was it: Market shift? New leadership or an acquisition? New ...
How to Fix ‘Dark Debt’ in Your IT Organization’s Culture
Poor decisions, bad metrics, lack of communication can accrue dark debt in any company Buying a low-quality microwave meal from a gas station, kicking a sock under the bed before guests arrive, ...
From Thought to Leadership
Thought leadership is a term that those of us in the industry hear a lot. A thought leader is a person who has ideas/thoughts that push the edge and brings great ideas ...