Tag: Dynatrace
Dynatrace Extends Data Reach and Scope of Observability Platform
Dynatrace unfurled a Dynatrace OpenPipeline that makes it possible to apply analytics to multiple types of data sources in real time ...
Dynatrace Survey Surfaces DevOps Automation Gains and Challenges
Dynatrace found investments in automation have improved software quality, reduced deployment failures and decreased IT costs ...
Dynatrace Adds Generative AI Capabilities to Davis Engine
Dynatrace added generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to the Davis engine it uses to apply machine learning algorithms to its observability platform ...
Dynatrace Survey Surfaces State of DevOps in the Enterprise
A global survey of 1,300 CIOs and DevOps managers working for organizations with more than 1,000 employees published today finds more than three-quarters of respondents work for organizations (78%) that deploy software ...
Dynatrace Adds Grail Data Lakehouse to Observability Platform
Dynatrace today announced it has added a data lakehouse, dubbed Grail, to the Dynatrace Software Intelligence Platform to make it simpler to aggregate all the observability data an IT team collects. Bob ...
Dynatrace Extends Reach of Application Security Module
Dynatrace has extended the Application Security Module it provides for its observability platform to protect against vulnerabilities in runtime environments, including the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Node.js runtime and .NET CLR. In ...
Dynatrace Embeds DX Monitoring in Observability Platform
Dynatrace has enhanced its analytics capabilities to enable digital experience monitoring, including session replays, based on the logs, metrics and traces it collects via its observability platform. Steve Tack, senior vice president ...
Deloitte Aligns with Dynatrace for Observability
Deloitte has expanded its cloud observability practice to include the Dynatrace Software Intelligence platform. Jay McDonald, managing director and co-chair for modern delivery at Deloitte, said the IT services provider will now ...
Dynatrace Adds Synthetic Tests to Validate App Experiences
Dynatrace today extended the application release management capabilities it provides to include synthetic tests for validating and assuring user experiences. Saif Gunja, director of product marketing for Dynatrace, said the user experience ...
EP 25: Compliance Synergy
“DevOps and Compliance Synergy: Reality or Fiction?”Achieving compliance might be challenging when embracing DevOps due to the rapid pace of development. However, the agility and automation associated with DevOps might actually simplify ...
Dynatrace Adds Security Gates to Advance DevSecOps Adoption
Dynatrace today added a security gates capability to its observability platform to make it easier to automatically embrace DevSecOps best practices within an application delivery pipeline. Steve Tack, senior vice president for ...
Dynatrace Survey Sees Continuous Delivery Challenges Ahead
A global survey of 1,300 application development and DevOps leaders conducted by the research firm Coleman Parkes on behalf of Dynatrace finds, on average, organizations expect to increase the frequency of their ...