business growth - Tagged - Where the world meets DevOps Tue, 26 Nov 2024 11:04:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 business growth - Tagged - 32 32 144979424 Accelerating Business Growth Using AIOps and DevOps Tue, 26 Nov 2024 11:04:53 +0000 AI, applications, AIOps and DevOps, AI, CI/CD, COBOL infrastructure ChatGPT AI and ML Oracle AI/ML WSO2 AI Accelerating AIOps with the MainframeAI, applications, AIOps and DevOps, AI, CI/CD, COBOL infrastructure ChatGPT AI and ML Oracle AI/ML WSO2 AI Accelerating AIOps with the MainframeAdopting AIOps helps DevOps through automation, predictive intelligence and better data-driven decisions. This collaboration fosters efficient processes, improved quality and continuous improvement to meet the ever-changing demands of the industry and customer requirements.]]> 174312 The New(ish) Complexity Wed, 29 Sep 2021 06:30:04 +0000 platform Great resignation DevOps complexityplatform Great resignation DevOps complexityThe API economy and microservices architectures, led by Agile and DevOps, have introduced a massive amount of hidden complexity. I call it hidden complexity because we have a tendency in IT to focus on the problems in front of us, resolve them, then focus on the new problem in front of us. This leaves technical […]]]> 0 145677 How Nailing Predictability Can Double the Size of Your Business Mon, 07 Jan 2019 08:00:41 +0000 Nailing Predictability Can Double the SizeNailing Predictability Can Double the SizeIn a rapidly changing world, predictability has never been more powerful. It’s also never been so underrated. While it is easy to think about predictability in terms of repetition or even monotony, predictability in business means being able to correctly estimate how long it will take to complete a project and how risky it is. […]]]> 2 127285