Hello, and welcome to the launch of Digital CxO, the premier destination site and community dedicated to fostering collaboration among business and IT leaders driving digital transformation initiatives.
As part of Techstrong Group, which also includes DevOps.com, Container Journal, DevOps Institute, Security Boulevard, Techstrong TV and the newly formed TechStrong Research Group, Digital CxO creates an environment in which members of the CxO community can engage with one another and industry experts to better understand how to get the most out of IT investments that today drive the business.
We’d like to encourage you to visit Digital CxO even if you haven’t taken a seat at the table but aspire to be a C-level executive. We are as invested in advancing your career as you are. Many IT professionals today aspire to one day become a senior leader of an organization—hopefully sooner than later. Digital CxO can help you fulfill that ambition by providing content in many formats including:
I’d also like to ask you to encourage you to make the business and IT leaders within your organization aware of Digital CxO. The more they come to appreciate how much of the business resolves around IT these days, the better off everyone in your organization will be.
Digital transformation isn’t just a buzzword. It’s a way of thinking about IT as an integral part of the business. There has been a divide between IT and the rest of the business that, thank goodness, is finally coming to an end. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, more business and IT leaders realize how dependent they are on IT to drive digital processes. Every organization is now a technology company.
At the Techstrong Group, we’ve been working toward enabling that transition since the founding of DevOps.com in 2013. Digital CxO takes that mission to the next level. The digital transformation currently underway didn’t start with the COVID-19 pandemic, but it does illuminate the fact that if your business wasn’t transforming digitally, it would be difficult—if not impossible—to thrive, much less survive.
None of this would be possible without you. We strive to serve the people who are making our digital world possible. A raft of IT platforms that make digital transformation possible are reshaping the world before our eyes. We know you—we believe we know what you want and how we can help. It is more critical than ever for technology professionals at all levels to understand how technology can improve business processes, revenue, profitability and customer satisfaction.
Our goal is to create a place where business and technology leaders and practitioners gather to exchange ideas and continually learn, grow and succeed. Digital CxO is our latest humble contribution to realizing that vision.