event - Tagged - DevOps.com Where the world meets DevOps Wed, 16 Sep 2020 12:06:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://devops.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/android-chrome-256x256-1-130x130.png event - Tagged - DevOps.com 32 32 144979424 What To Expect at a Virtual DevOps World 2020 https://devops.com/what-to-expect-at-a-virtual-devops-world-2020/ https://devops.com/what-to-expect-at-a-virtual-devops-world-2020/#comments Thu, 17 Sep 2020 07:00:46 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=138853 DevOps WorldDevOps WorldDevOps World is coming soon and this means you can look forward to plenty of opportunities to learn about all things DevOps, network with like-minded professionals, attend in-depth training courses and technical workshops and just generally have some fun. DevOps World 2020 will have all those things. But, with the pandemic still impacting society, this […]]]> https://devops.com/what-to-expect-at-a-virtual-devops-world-2020/feed/ 1 138853 DOES18: Challenges and Enablers for DevOps Success https://devops.com/does18-challenges-and-enablers-for-devops-success/ https://devops.com/does18-challenges-and-enablers-for-devops-success/#comments Thu, 01 Nov 2018 08:00:42 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=126336 DOES18: Challenges and Enablers for DevOps SuccessDOES18: Challenges and Enablers for DevOps Success“What happens in Vegas, doesn”t stay in Vegas” … a great quote to end the recent DevOps Enterprise Summit 2018 (DOES18) in Las Vegas, urging attendees to take and share the new insights and knowledge gained. This article is an attempt at sharing my discoveries. This article contains a summary of the challenges that delegates […]]]> https://devops.com/does18-challenges-and-enablers-for-devops-success/feed/ 4 126336 BMC to Infuse AI Across Software Portfolio https://devops.com/bmc-infuse-ai-across-software-portfolio/ https://devops.com/bmc-infuse-ai-across-software-portfolio/#comments Thu, 19 Oct 2017 06:30:48 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=117969 At its recent BMC Exchange event, BMC Software announced it will be infusing machine learning algorithms and other artificial intelligence (AI) technologies across its entire portfolio of IT operations software. The first instance of BMC software to make use of machine learning algorithms is the latest version of TrueSight AIOps platform, which ingests data from […]]]> https://devops.com/bmc-infuse-ai-across-software-portfolio/feed/ 1 117969 5 Can’t-Miss DevOps Sessions at Jenkins World https://devops.com/5-cant-miss-devops-sessions-jenkins-world/ https://devops.com/5-cant-miss-devops-sessions-jenkins-world/#respond Mon, 14 Aug 2017 07:00:43 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=117175 In less than a month many Jenkins users and DevOps professionals will gather in San Francisco for Jenkins World, taking place Aug. 28-31. With more than 60 sessions to choose from, covering a wide range of topics, it can be difficult to narrow down your schedule. That’s why it’s important to go into the show […]]]> https://devops.com/5-cant-miss-devops-sessions-jenkins-world/feed/ 0 117175 Why Your Manager Will Want to Send You to Jenkins World 2017 https://devops.com/why-your-manager-want-send-jenkins-world-2017/ https://devops.com/why-your-manager-want-send-jenkins-world-2017/#respond Tue, 01 Aug 2017 07:30:53 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=116934 Jenkins World 2017 is right around the corner. The conference will be held in San Francisco Aug. 28-31 and will be the biggest event of the year for Jenkins users, with approximately 2,000 people expected to be in attendance! You will not want to miss out on this event, full of learning and networking opportunities. […]]]> https://devops.com/why-your-manager-want-send-jenkins-world-2017/feed/ 0 116934 SauceCon Speaker Profile: Mike Millgate, Optum https://devops.com/saucecon-speaker-profile-mike-millgate-optum/ https://devops.com/saucecon-speaker-profile-mike-millgate-optum/#respond Thu, 11 May 2017 07:00:24 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=114763 Automation architect Mike Millgate wants to work himself out of a job. Of course, he doesn’t want to make himself obsolete. He simply wants to automate testing so that QA teams can free their time to do other strategic exercises, such as exploratory testing and focus on security. Mike knows what he’s talking about. At […]]]> https://devops.com/saucecon-speaker-profile-mike-millgate-optum/feed/ 0 114763 Digital Transformation Top of Mind at PagerDuty Summit 2016 https://devops.com/digital-transformation-top-mind-pagerduty-summit-2016/ https://devops.com/digital-transformation-top-mind-pagerduty-summit-2016/#respond Wed, 21 Sep 2016 07:00:52 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=18390 Digital transformation may seem like the enterprise tech buzzword of the moment, but it completely came to life for attendees at the inaugural PagerDuty Summit. C-level executives, industry leaders, developers and IT operators all came together to discuss why and how companies are navigating our digital world with operational maturity and excellence. PagerDuty Summit was […]]]> https://devops.com/digital-transformation-top-mind-pagerduty-summit-2016/feed/ 0 18390 DevOpsDays London 2016: Making Happy https://devops.com/devopsdays-london-2016-making-happy/ https://devops.com/devopsdays-london-2016-making-happy/#comments Tue, 26 Apr 2016 07:00:54 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=14822 https://devops.com/devopsdays-london-2016-making-happy/feed/ 1 14822 DevOps Days returns to London https://devops.com/devops-days-returns-to-london/ https://devops.com/devops-days-returns-to-london/#comments Tue, 22 Mar 2016 08:30:54 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=14031 On April 19, after a break of nearly two and a half years, the DevOps Days conference is returning to London. Expect great things: All DevOps Days events are extremely interactive, making use of the Open Space format, and this year’s event includes a world-class set of presenters ready to share their experiences and guidance. […]]]> https://devops.com/devops-days-returns-to-london/feed/ 1 14031