Hasura - Tagged - DevOps.com Where the world meets DevOps Fri, 14 Jul 2023 12:20:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://devops.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/android-chrome-256x256-1-130x130.png Hasura - Tagged - DevOps.com 32 32 144979424 Adopting a Low-Code GraphQL Approach to Build a Core Data Platform https://devops.com/adopting-hasura-community-edition-to-build-a-core-platform/ Thu, 13 Jul 2023 12:30:55 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=163032 GraphQL, APIs, REST, API visibility, Hasura RHEL GraphQL API-first SAP DevSecOps Kong APIs composable LucidchartGraphQL, APIs, REST, API visibility, Hasura RHEL GraphQL API-first SAP DevSecOps Kong APIs composable LucidchartOur education platform has relied on an outdated monolithic legacy application for years. It’s an outdated system built of a single service layer on top of a database designed for use cases that have evolved over the last decade. But we’re using the wealth of data in the monolith as a foundation for our current […]]]> 163032 Hasura Unfurls Data Delivery Network Based on GraphQL https://devops.com/hasura-unfurls-data-delivery-network-based-on-graphql/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 21:47:28 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=162293 Salesforce Cybersecurity, API security, DevSecOpsSalesforce Cybersecurity, API security, DevSecOpsAt its HasuraCon 2023 conference today, Hasura launched a Data Delivery Network (DDN) based on a set of GraphQL application programming interfaces (APIs) that makes it simpler to integrate distributed sources of data. In addition, Hasura is adding Hasura Schema Registry to streamline API governance using graph technology, a MongoDB connector, a Native Data Collector […]]]> 162293 Hasura SDK Integrates GraphQL Platform With More Data Sources https://devops.com/hasura-sdk-integrates-graphql-platform-with-more-data-sources/ https://devops.com/hasura-sdk-integrates-graphql-platform-with-more-data-sources/#respond Tue, 28 Jun 2022 17:42:55 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=153393 Greylog Hasura API Apollo GraphQL oneAPIGreylog Hasura API Apollo GraphQL oneAPIAt its HasuraCon ’22 conference, Hasura today announced the early release of a software development kit (SDK) that extends the reach of its GraphQL platform to additional data sources. In addition, Hasura is making generally available integrations with the GitHub repository, support for OpenTelemetry Traces within the Hasura Cloud Platform and Microsoft SQL event triggers. […]]]> https://devops.com/hasura-sdk-integrates-graphql-platform-with-more-data-sources/feed/ 0 153393 Hasura Adds Join Capability to GraphQL Engine https://devops.com/hasura-adds-join-capability-to-graphql-engine/ https://devops.com/hasura-adds-join-capability-to-graphql-engine/#respond Thu, 28 Apr 2022 13:20:31 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=151846 APIs, secure, RapidAPI Hasura GraphQL APIs Speedscale API sprawl Postman 42Crunch API security ASCIAPIs, secure, RapidAPI Hasura GraphQL APIs Speedscale API sprawl Postman 42Crunch API security ASCIHasura today announced it has extended its GraphQL engine to make it possible to join data generated by multiple sources. Hasura CEO Tanmai Gopal said GraphQL Joins makes it possible to join data from across different GraphQL services that can then be accessed via a single GraphQL application programming interface (API). The extension of the […]]]> https://devops.com/hasura-adds-join-capability-to-graphql-engine/feed/ 0 151846 Hasura Adds Engine to Transform REST APIs to GraphQL https://devops.com/hasura-adds-engine-to-transform-rest-apis-to-graphql/ https://devops.com/hasura-adds-engine-to-transform-rest-apis-to-graphql/#respond Thu, 16 Dec 2021 18:39:18 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=148635 low-code, security, Jenkins Google no-code Hasura GraphQL microservices low-code security APIslow-code, security, Jenkins Google no-code Hasura GraphQL microservices low-code security APIsHasura today unveiled a Data Hub repository for integrating application programming interfaces (APIs). The repository includes a connector that makes it easier for IT organizations to convert REST APIs into ones based on the GraphQL specification. Tanmai Gopal, Hasura CEO, said the connector eliminates the need to write custom code to connect existing REST endpoints […]]]> https://devops.com/hasura-adds-engine-to-transform-rest-apis-to-graphql/feed/ 0 148635 Hasura Extends Scope of GraphQL API Platform https://devops.com/hasura-extends-scope-of-graphql-api-platform/ https://devops.com/hasura-extends-scope-of-graphql-api-platform/#respond Wed, 23 Jun 2021 20:13:07 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=143742 vulnerabilities Neo4j Hasura Database DevSecOpsvulnerabilities Neo4j Hasura Database DevSecOpsDuring its online an HasuraCon ’21 conference, Hasura today announced that it has made it possible for developers to employ GraphQL application programming interface (APIs) to launch queries against data residing in multiple databases. At the same time, Hasura announced a preview of schema sharing capabilities along with support for workflows based on GitOps processes […]]]> https://devops.com/hasura-extends-scope-of-graphql-api-platform/feed/ 0 143742