Tag: services
Implementing Threat Modeling in a DevOps Workflow
Integrating threat modeling into the DevOps workflow is essential to identify and mitigate potential security threats ...
Modern Application Management Requires Deeper Internet Visibility
Most IT teams regularly employ a range of tools to monitor application performance. But in an era where applications are running everywhere from the cloud to the network edge, the visibility being ...
Agile Pricing, Agile Uptake
It is pretty amusing, the number of software vendors that are selling us tools to work in our Agile and/or DevOps infrastructure but are not at all agile in their sales cycle ...
DevOps Chat: Digital Transformation with Paul Chapman of Box
It seems every organization is chasing digital transformation. Some companies are succeeding, while some are wallowing a bit, trying to figure out how to do it. Box is a company that is ...
Services As A Model For DevOps Communications
DevOps is an interesting movement. As with any effort of this magnitude, there will be many opinions on what is entailed in adoption and implementation. The issue is that businesses are so ...