Tag: dev
No, Dev Jobs Aren’t Dead: AI Means ‘Everyone’s a Programmer’? ¦ Interesting Intel VPUs
In this week’s #TheLongView: Nvidia’s CEO grabs headlines by saying your career is toast, and Intel is still fighting ...
Playwright: A Modern, Open Source Approach to End-To-End Testing
I was excited when I started writing my first end-to-end tests years ago. The idea was promising; create an automated test suite that spins up a browser and mimics your user's behavior ...
SDM and the DevOps Delusion of Connected Organizations
How Software Delivery Management Clears Up the Confusion of Embracing and Implementing DevOps Since the term was coined back in 2009, it wouldn’t be a stretch to describe DevOps as an impactful ...
The Struggles DevOps Administrators are Up Against
DevOps has quickly gone from being a niche concept to a widespread practice that is gaining traction rapidly in both large and small organizations. As it becomes a key part of many ...
DevOps Chat: Shift Ops Left, Shift Dev Right with Kristian Stewart, IBM
In this DevOps Chat we speak with Dr. Kristian Stewart of IBM's Cloud Event Management team. Kristian has some keen insights into the role of dev and ops and how they interact ...
DevOps: The Innovation Power Couple
If “Dev” and “Ops” are the power couple of tech, “DevOps” is the holy matrimony that takes innovation from trainwreck to fast and repeatable. At most businesses, however, Dev and Ops still ...
Swarms: Adapting Guilds To Scale Agility
In my first article in this series, "Using Guilds to Combat Information Silos," I reviewed the adoption of guilds at xMatters. As our company has grown, we’ve used guilds to keep critical ...
VMs, Containers, Cloud, Cluster: Scheduling Differences
Scheduling is a large part of making the data center go, and more to the point of making the virtualized (be it VMs, cloud, containers, or clustering) portion of the data center ...
DevOps Leaders Share 2017 Reflections, Predictions
As the New Year kicks off, it is a time for reflection and a chance to look ahead and plan for what is to come. While many are making personal resolutions pertaining ...
Automic Helps DevOps Transformation Sparkle
Working closely with Automic, an international wholesaler and retailer of jewelery transformed a department of project managers, developers and operations responsible for all of the customer-facing websites into a DevOps organization. As ...
DevOps Chat: Lucas Carlson, VP Strategy, Automic, Can Ops Thrive In DevOps?
In this DevOps Chat our guest is Lucas Carlson, newly appointed VP of Strategy at Automic. Of course, Lucas has already had a distinguished career. Here is his bio from Linkedin: Lucas ...
First We Fixed Dev, But Let’s Not Forget About Ops
Since its beginning in 2008, DevOps has gone from an underground rebellion by developers to a mainstream movement with representatives in every industry and at every scale. You can see the change ...