Tag: devops.com
Deeper Technical Information with SweetCode and Fixate
I know many of you go right to the article you want to read on DevOps.com without ever visiting the front page. But if you go to the home page and look ...
MediaOps, Inc. Expands Executive Leadership Team to Drive Growth and Audience Reach
Producer of DevOps.com and other Premier Tech Communities Capitalizes on Rapid Growth of Cloud, DevOps, and DevSecOps Boca Raton, FL, (June 13, 2017) – MediaOps, Inc., producer of leading technology brands and destinations ...
DBmaestro Named Best New DevOps Solutions Company by DevOps.com
Company recognized for pioneering enablement of DevOps for databases Boston MA, February 13, 2017 - DBmaestro, the pioneer and leading DevOps for database solution provider, was lauded for “standing out from the ...
Addressing Container Security Challenges
From month to month or even week to week, more organizations are developing with containers. The concept of containers isn’t all that new, but the dramatic rise in adoption of container technologies ...
DevOps Leadership Series: Security at Velocity
If it does not fit, it does not get done. For many DevOps practices, application security falls into the “does not get done” bucket. That’s because for many DevOps-centric organizations, application security ...
Happy Birthday DevOps.com and what a year it’s been
They say it's your birthday We're gonna have a good time, I'm glad it's your birthday Happy birthday to you Wow, a whole year. To paraphrase the Grateful Dead, what a strange ...
DevOps & Continuous Change
A remark by a colleague while waiting for the coffee machine to complete its cycle started my train of thought. "Should we have multiple minor releases or just do a few major ...
Some changes to DevOps.com
Well if you are reading this you are one of almost 40,000 unique visitors to DevOps.com in the last 6 or so weeks. In this relatively short time we have learned a ...
DevOps developers; don’t be a DevGoof
There was a lot of brush back last week over Jeff Knupp's post about how DevOps is killing the developer. Frankly I wasn't shocked by Knupp's opinion that developers "are the dentists ...
Technology’s effect on religion
Today being Good Friday, with Easter being Sunday and in the midst of Passover; it is a time for reflection. Instead of thinking about DevOps, today I ponder life and religion. What ...
DevOps Needs a Tsunami To Jump The Chasm
All start up business endeavors must go through the phase of crossing the chasm. Most of those business endeavors usually fall prey to the chasm. The chasm is this black hole that ...
I get tired of hearing what is DevOps? It just tells me that no one really has got it exactly right, but everyone longs to be the authority on the topic. Everyone ...