CircleCI today added a release orchestration capability to its namesake continuous integration/ continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform to give developers more control over application deployments.
CircleCI CTO Rob Zuber said a CircleCI releases capability provides development teams with the ability to release a controlled subset of their code in a live production environment in a way that provides immediate feedback on how that code is performing. That level of visibility can then be used to determine whether that code might need to be rolled back using automation tools embedded in the CircleCI CI/CD platform, he added.
In the absence of that capability, noted Zuber, it takes DevOps teams, on average, 45 minutes to an hour to manually roll back an application.
Initial platforms supported by CircleCI releases are Kubernetes and Amazon SageMaker. CircleCI releases is also compatible with the open source Argo CD platform that CircleCI integrated its platform with last year.
CircleCI also plans to add support for blue-green deployments later this year, enabling DevOps teams to deploy one application version more gradually to replace another.
The way CD is managed often varies widely from one organization to another. In highly regulated industries, CD is typically managed by a central team to ensure compliance requirements are met. In other instances, developers are directly responsible for building and deploying their code. Regardless of approach, CircleCI enables organizations to define a set of guardrails to ensure best practices are observed, noted Zuber. In effect, each organization can implement a set of checks and balances that are aligned to their specific needs, he added.
As DevOps continues to evolve, more organizations want the ability to control deployments at a more granular level by, for example, only making a new application or an update available to a select number of users. Once deployed, developers need a more holistic view into not just how that application is performing but also how it impacted the business, said Zuber. If, for example, the number of logins declines after an update, a developer needs the information to determine whether that update should be rolled back as quickly as possible, he added.
It’s not clear how many organizations are managing the entire CI/CD workflow on an end-to-end basis. While most DevOps teams make extensive use of CI to build an application, the deployment of applications is still often managed manually. However, as CD capabilities become simpler to employ across platforms with standard interfaces, the number of organizations automating CD should steadily increase. In fact, that capability will soon prove essential as, thanks to the rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI), the pace at which applications are being built only continues to accelerate.
In the meantime, each organization will need to determine how closely it wishes to integrate CI and CD workflows. However, the more tightly integrated these processes become, the simpler it becomes for developers to assume full responsibility for building and maintaining the software they create.