Tag: container management
It’s Funny How We Forgot About Container Sprawl
Don MacVittie explains how DevOps technology and tools have saved developers from the horrors of container sprawl ...
What We Don’t Know is Dangerous
Pop quiz: How many database management systems (be they RDBMS or NoSQL or even flat file) do you have running in your overall organization? Not actual databases, but management systems? How many ...
DevOps and Containers
“Works on my machine!” We’ve all had that co-worker. I have had one at pretty much every company I've worked for. At several jobs, it devolved into a running joke. There is ...
The Role of Containers in Business Transformation
Containers hold new promise for business and digital transformation. Yet many differences exist between monitoring containers and monitoring other elements of infrastructure, such as VMs, storage, memory and compute. Understanding those differences ...
The Role of Operations in a No-Ops World
It seems that every once in a while, we in high tech get wrapped up in the next thing that will eliminate work and/or jobs. Sometimes, as is the case with DevOps, ...