Tag: feature flags
Harnessing Generative AI for Feature Management Testing
Generative AI is revolutionizing the way we create testing environments and feature management within DevOps workflows ...
LaunchDarkly Previews Generative AI Testing Tool for Feature Management
LaunchDarkly previewed an ability to leverage generative AI capabilities to create experiments for its feature management platform ...
Unused Code: Proving a Negative
Don MacVittie says there’s a lot of unused code floating around out there – and that’s a big problem ...
Raise Those (Feature) Flags
I’ve written about feature flags before, but I think it’s time for a solid bit of advice: “If you are not yet using feature flags for DevOps, it is past time to ...
How SREs Benefit From Feature Flags
When you think of who uses feature flags, your mind most likely goes to software developers. In general, feature flags are closely associated with software engineering. But site reliability engineers (SREs), too, ...
The Life and Times of Feature Flags
A while back, I had the opportunity to look closely at DevSecOps tools (as the market currently defines them). There was a lot to like, and they are moving forward to a ...
5 Ways to Reduce DevOps Toil
Over the last several years, DevOps has become a bit of a buzzword. It has become simultaneously a practice, a culture, a team, a job title and a vendor product. You can ...
Split Allies With AWS to Advance Feature Flagging Adoption
Split today announced it has integrated its namesake platform for managing feature flagging with the Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as part of an effort to streamline the process of adding ...
Accessibility and Feature Flags
Being able-bodied is a temporary condition. Some of us are born with disabilities, and some of us develop them. At some point in your life, you will get old enough to need ...
Testing in Production 101
A top priority for developers is knowing that their new feature code will work in production before their user base has access to it. That’s why testing in production has been gaining ...
Maintaining Progressive Delivery Quality With Feature Flags
How does Netflix know exactly what you want to watch? How do social networks ensure major software updates are smoothly deployed across millions of users? The answer, in part, lies in progressive ...
How to Reduce Engineer Burnout During COVID-19
Burnout is increasingly common during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here's how to cope effectively The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we all work, connect and live. Many teams have been forced to ...