Tal Barmeir Articles and Insights https://devops.com Where the world meets DevOps Wed, 02 Oct 2024 10:56:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://devops.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/android-chrome-256x256-1-130x130.png Tal Barmeir Articles and Insights https://devops.com 32 32 144979424 The Promise and Perils of Generative AI in Software TestingĀ  https://devops.com/the-promise-and-perils-of-generative-ai-in-software-testing/ Wed, 02 Oct 2024 10:56:29 +0000 https://devops.com/?p=173241 strategy, cloud testing, plan, software testing, web application, testing, test, security, DevSecOps, Tools, API tools, testing, GenAI, SmartBear Redgate test engineers, AI-driven, Applitools SapientAI software, automated, PractiTest test automation continuous test low-code testing automation PagerDutystrategy, cloud testing, plan, software testing, web application, testing, test, security, DevSecOps, Tools, API tools, testing, GenAI, SmartBear Redgate test engineers, AI-driven, Applitools SapientAI software, automated, PractiTest test automation continuous test low-code testing automation PagerDutyOrganizations can harness the full power of GenAI to drive innovation in software testing and deliver high-quality software products.]]> 173241