Past Webinar
How to Craft a Cloud Testing Strategy
Before crafting a cloud testing strategy, you should determine the top strategies, and testing goals, and devise a plan accordingly ...
How an Effective AppSec Program Shifts Your Teams From Fixing to Building
Development teams are under growing pressure to build cutting-edge applications with shorter development lifecycles. However, they are often slowed down by the growing burden of fixing security vulnerabilities. Ineffective application security processes ...
Ensuring Application Security from Design to Operation with DevSecOps
Safe development is critical for any company that creates software, whether for its own use or for others. DevSecOps principles focus on automating information security processes and introducing security measures early in ...
The Coming Earthquake in IIS and SQL Configuration Management
A marketing-free, engineering-led webinar: What was “state of the art” in IIS configuration management has changed a lot in just a few years. It is about to change a lot more. Hear ...
Webinar: Diving Deeper into DevOps Deployments
RECORDING SLIDES [slideshare id=74997589&doc=electriccloudslides-170413192924]— Jules Louis ...
Webinar: Microservice Monitoring and Quality Management for Modern Apps and Infrastructures
RECORDING SLIDES [slideshare id=74005456&doc=webinar-instana-170330193500]— Jules Louis ...
Webinar: Sandstorm or Significant: The evolving role of context in Incident Management
RECORDING — Jules Louis ...
Webinar: The Human Side of DevSecOps
RECORDING SLIDES [slideshare id=73870810&doc=170328devopscomjarretthumansideofdevsecops2-170329141706]— Jules Louis ...
Webinar: Sandstorm or Significant: The evolving role of context in Incident Management
Providing Situational Context to first responders is one of the most nuanced and critical success factors teams need as they manage and resolve incidents. It’s critical at all stages of incident management, ...
Open Source is Not Enough for Modern Application Delivery
It’s the same everywhere you turn. Companies are trying to transform their digital experiences and increase customer engagement all while improving customer experience. This is giving rise to a whole new generation ...
Webinar: Lesson Learned
in Scaling Enterprise DevOps
DevOps is evolving into a major enabler of business innovation. If done well in a consistent, scalable and repeatable manner, it can accelerate digital transformation at an enterprise level. But crossing the ...